Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Before you guys start thinking I'm a hardcore nerd, I had better start on the fun I had amidst work. 

Despite it being 6 months ago, my 20th birthday is still etched deeply in my head, probably because it burned a big hole in my pocket lol! I'm kidding but the money was well spent cause it bought me an experience of a lifetime :)

Capella is indeed an incredible place. A villa with a private pool, and an outdoor shower, plus a bathroom the size of my living room, the amount we spent was definitely reasonable. Awesome cake from Theresa, midnight dip in the pool and free room service for breakfast wrapped up the simple yet lovely birthday stay with a bunch of fun people. I finally understood how the rich travel now, too dope!

Cake sponsored by Theresa, thanks darling ♥

Fun in the private pool


Relocated to Amara Sanctuary, which was just next door, for the 2nd part of my celebration, and this time it's with the sec school clique. Belly and I decided to add a little fun to our annual celebration by introducing a mafia theme this year! So glad that everyone was so spontaneous about it; the room was filled with too-cool people and it felt as though a gang fight could erupt anytime haha. Met many new people that night because Belly invited her friends from poly but it's cool. I've always been a friendly girl :p

And what beats a free upgrade from a deluxe room to a suite? Hehe Adeline loves cheap thrills like that ^^


Fav girls :)

And my bodyguards hahaha


From Krabi to Bangkok to Bintan, that was how sad my only summer vacation went. But that still beats staying in boring Singapore! This trip was quite a fail one- first we missed our ferry (I never seem to learn my lesson), then we arrived at the wrong terminal which took us more than an hour to get to our resort. And when we arrived, to our horror it was nothing like the photos we saw online. We managed to survive one night there but one night proved to be the most that my friends could endure lol. So we forgo the other night and checked into a nice little cozy hotel, where our real holiday started. 

Shopping was horrid, and the weather totally ruined everything. What is Bintan without the beach?! The only thing that went right during this trip was the food we had. Haha they were cheap and good but besides that, let's try not to recall too much of it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for my upcoming retreat back to Bintan to be a much better one!

In a pitch dark van

Finally, some decent accommodation

With decent facilities

October 31 was Halloween and I finally got to try out Trick or Treat! I'm so surprised that people do take this occasion seriously in Singapore. Such good fun to see everyone dressing up as the different characters. Did I mention that the kids were so adorable?! Can't forget my lovely little Captain America hehe. 

That night ended with games and candies, and I swear I'm gonna have diabetes soon. Try forcing 7 sweets at every round that you lose, I'm sure even those with sweet tooth would have a phobia of sweets after that! (And it doesn't help that the sweets are Monster Candies that turn your tongue into horrible colors that refused to go away)

Catwoman for Halloween, riao ~

Star of the Night: Venom


Hot "red" indian


Trick or Treat

Aftermath of monster candies overload

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