My virgin Zoukout experience was great! Although my dear girls Theresa and Stacy kinda died, I'm sure we all had some good fun that night. Now now, look who's the one who stayed entirely sober throughout ;)
80 bux for Hardwell, Kaskade and my darling Above & Beyond is more than worth it hehe. Stacy and I literally pushed our way through to get front row for A&B! And they sure didn't disappoint us, not one bit cause I left the place feeling so content. I would die to see Calvin Harris and Avicii too ahhhh. But SHM in Jan shall make up for it. Whoohoo can't wait for the road trip to KL, please please make it come true.
So I'll leave you guys with the photos from that night while I get my ass to the airport. OMG CAN'T FUCKING WAIT TO GET MY HANDS DOWN TO SHOP TILL I DROP AND EAT TILL MY STOMACH IS ON THE BRINK OF EXPLOSION HAHA. Have fun in SG folks, while I enjoy BKK for y'all hehe ♥

Pre drinks @ the carpark. Let's go mutt style yo

Xin xin ~

Group hugggg

Going crazy hahaha

Tiny Hardwell


A&B love

And guess who got front row for A&B? ^^

Hehe ♥

Epic photo of the night. Check Stacy out HAHAHA
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